Friday, July 3, 2015

Honour, Pride and the Rebel Flag

I am not from the South, as the States that rebelled long ago from the Union still is called by some, nor have I ever owned a Confederate Flag.  On the other hand, I am a proud individualist who refuses to bow to policial correctness, aka political propaganda and, if History has taught us anything, it is that it is a grave mistake to humiiiate a fallen enemy and to attempt to rob him or her of the symbols of his or her past.

What was done to the German people after the defeat of Germany in the First World War absolutely was the reason why HItler became so popular and was placed in power.  If the people of Germany had not been brought to their knees and burdened by impossible reparations, Hitler would have been a minority figure, never to rise to such power in that Nation.

The Southern States or Confederacy are States with their own pride and history.  They wanted to leave the Union and they had every legal right to do so.  It was not the issue of Slavery that started THAT War but, like almost every War that ever has been fought, the issue of Slavery offered a convenient smokescreen behind which the real economic reasons, all based on greed, could be concealed.

The North wanted the cotton that the South produced.  All the factories were in the North and the process of Industrialisation was in full swing.  The South wanted the freedom to sell their cotton wherever they wished.  Ever hear that word, 'freedom'?  Ever hear the term 'free enterprise'?  Well, the North did not want the South to have those freedoms because England offered a better market for Southern cotton.  And thus, the issue of Slavery was used to boost public opinion for a war that ultimately had one of the highest costs in terms of loss of life.  Lives that were American, be they from the North or South.

Civil Wars are ugly and brutal.  This was a War that should not have been fought, but God help us if we dare to speak out!  In the same way that the history of the Second World War has been turned into outright propaganda, and any one who even dares to question any of the official 'facts', such as Professor Ernst Zundel, may actually be imprisoned, the War between the States is fast becoming the same.

There recently is a movement afoot to ban the Confedaerate or 'Rebel' flag.  Statues of heroes of the Confederacy are being smashed.  Once upon a time, an enemy actually was given some recognition in terms of being a hero or a man of honour and integrity.  Not now!  It is sufficient if he fought for the defeated Nation.  His descendants and those who live in the States that supported the same cause must watch in horror as any memory of his deeds is effaced, allowing the propagandists to completely transform him from a fallen hero to a faceless villain.

I believe this is utterly wrong.  I fully intend to find a Confederate or Rebel Flag if only for the principle of the thing.  It is not my cause and never was but that does not make the current political movement right.

I would have supported the right of the Southern States to leave the Union, however, had I lived in that era.  The South would have outlawed slavery within a decade or so, I believe.  Any one who recoils in horror from the idea of the Slaves of the South should take a REAL lesson in American history and read about Northern Indentured Servitude and the plight of the immigrants and forced factory labour and untenable labour conditions in those factories so greedy to rob the South of its cotton.

It was a Northern general, Sherman, who burned cities, dispossessing countless innocent civilians.  Now they are trying to claim otherwise, of course.   There were atrocities on both sides, as in any war, but it was the South that was brought to its knees and the carpetbaggers and Northern entrepreneurs who robbed and profited from this are well documented.

The fact that a lunatic used the so-called Rebel flag as a symbol and went on a killing spree does not make all supporters of the South murderers, fanatics or criminals.  One of my dearest friends was a direct descendant of General Robert E. Lee.  It would make him weep to see how the memory of this hero is being corrupted.  He died two years ago, and there is not a day when I do not remember his extraordinary sense of honour, integrity and decency.  A more intelligent and honourable man never lived.   His grandfather actually founded a town in Florida.  They owned slaves but when the War ended, NONE of those ex-slaves opted to leave.  Instead, they continued to be treated as valuable members of the family.  Not every slave owner was a Simon Legree.  It amazes me how intelligent and educated people can be so blind and utterly led by stupid propaganda where specific subjects are concerned.  It is obvious that the War between the States has been placed in the same position as the State of Israel, that no deviation from the new official line of propaganda will be tolerated, and no uncovering of REAL facts will be brooked.

This is a dangerous policy, however, and intelligent people really should take the time to do their own research.  They can ban the Rebel Flag, but they cannot destroy all the books and records on the subject, at least not quite as quickly.  If, after doing your own research, you still think that the War was right, fair enough.  I, on the other hand, firmly believe that there usually is another alternative to war, whether it is economic sanctions or diplomacy.  Wars tend to backfire in the end.

There were countless heroes who fought and died for the 'Rebel' flag, just as there were heroes who died for the North.  You only create bad blood and more rebellion if you attempt to stamp out a legitimate source of historical heritage.