Thursday, December 26, 2013

The Sad Perversion of Boxing Day

Boxing Day is an essentially Anglo-Saxon or British tradition, and it is celebrated primarily throughout the Commonwealth.  It falls always on the day after Christmas or 26 December and was named 'Boxing Day' because it was the day when the Churches opened their alm boxes and distributed all the contents to the poor.  It was the day as well traditionally when servants and those entrusted with deliveries (milk, newspapers and so on) were given gifts.  In other words, it was a day of GIVING. 

Now, however, it has become a day when individuals rush out to BUY items for themselves usually at 'deep discounts', whether in order to purchase the gifts they failed to receive from others on Christmas or to buy items for their own homes or enhancement of life.  No longer does the day focus on giving to others.  It is consumerism at its most blatant, fostered by businesses who are desperate to unload the products of the dying year to make way for new inventory.

On this Boxing Day, let us try to remember others.  Visit a Neighbour, friend or family member even if only to exchange Christmas Greetings and heartfelt wishes for the coming year.